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E-Line Media, April 7 2020

The April 2020 Game Making Challenge: Building a Prototype

Hey, game makers! We're one week into April, which means you should be well on your way to developing a great prototype for the game making challenge we're hosting throughout the month. Read this post to check whether you're on the right track

Game Making Setup

By now, you should have your game making platform set up and ready for you to work. If you're using Unity, this means you should have completed the following:

Create a new Unity project

Add your instructors to your Unity project as collaborators

If you're not using Unity, you should have decided which platform you're using instead. Gamestar Mechanic is a great alternative.


You should also be done deciding on your game idea. This is the first phase of the game-making process—pre-production. What kind of game are you going to make? What will be the core mechanic?

For the April 2020 challenge, you should begin by selecting which type of avatar you want to use. You have a few choices:


Third person car

Third person cat

Since these are the examples we're using to teach game development in April, we recommend that you choose one of them.

Once you decide on your avatar, you should download assets from the Unity Asset Store that you might like to use. Load your avatar and camera into a Unity scene with a few assets to create a basic prototype. Several of our examples use the Unity Standard Assets. If you need assistance obtaining these, contact your Make Room! instructors. We can help!

What's Next

Once you've completed your Game Making Setup and Pre-Production, you should focus on implementing your core mechanic. The core mechanic is what players do when they play the game. This is the most important thing to build when making a prototype. So get to work on it soon!

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E-Line Media

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